31 December 2024
May 2025 Bring Freedom, Justice, Prosperity and Peace
Ambassador Andebrhan Welde Giorgis
On the eve of the New Year whence 2024 gives way to 2025, I wish the people of Eritrea at home and abroad a very happy New Year that ushers in a new era of freedom, justice, prosperity and peace.
At the time the State of Eritrea achieved sovereign independence through hard struggle and immense sacrifices, there were high hopes and a great potential to establish a democratic Eritrea that enshrines freedom, justice, prosperity and peace. Appropriate policy instruments were put in place to construct a nation state capable of building, within two decades, an advanced, internationally competitive economy that, beyond providing for the basic needs, enhances the standard of living of the people and pursues policies that, instead of driving mass exodus, upbring and cultivate the youth with modern education. Furthermore, it was the rational expectation of several friends and supporters of Eritrea that independent Eritrea would lead the way to Africa’s bright future.
Indeed, we had, using the policy instruments formulated and the prudent strategy of national development drawn up around the mid-1990s, set out to build a democratic and developmental Eritrean nation state. In this brief new year’s message, beyond detailing the negative political, economic and social consequences manifested in our country during the past years of independence due to the failure to use the formulated policy instruments, I will focus my well wishes on three principal constructive measures that Eritrea should undertake in 2025 to treat these negative consequences.
First, establish a constitutional government that enshrines freedom, justice, prosperity and peace.
Second, release all political prisoners and all citizens unduly held in prison without charge and trial.
Third, open the political and economic space to enable all citizens to freely participate in the political, economic and social life of the country.
Undertaking these three principal measures would have the following beneficial effects: (1) the institution of the rule of law would safeguard the fundamental freedoms and rights of the people; (2) bringing closure to the crimes and abuses perpetrated against citizens in a manner that administers justice and cultivates communal harmony would lay a solid foundation for national unity; and (3) forging a strong partnership and effective cooperation between the public and private sectors would create a national economy that drives rapid and sustainable economic growth and enhances the living standards of the people.
However, these measures alone would not suffice. To be effective, they must be complemented by the institution of an efficient, accountable and transparent public administration and the introduction of a national civil service system based on meritocracy; the promotion of active participation of domestic capital, the flow of foreign direct investment and the transfer of technology and expertise; the pursuit of a services based and export oriented development strategy driven by the building of a modern services sector led by banking, financial, and port services.
In addition, it would be imperative to provide an infrastructure that enhances public services and facilities; establish strong state enterprises with competent management; produce the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a modern economy driven by high technology sectors; expand higher or tertiary education; and cultivate normal relations, commercial cooperation and peaceful coexistence with neighbouring countries.
Stable transition to a constitutional government would enable the pursuit of the vision of democracy, progress and prosperity embedded in the National Charter; the necessary updating and implementation of the objectives of development, justice and prosperity enunciated in the Macroeconomic Policy framework; and the application of the principles of fundamental freedoms, rights and justice enshrined in the Constitution of Eritrea. Indeed, the construction of a democratic government that develops Eritrea; revives the depopulated villages; and ensures freedom, justice and prosperity for the Eritrean people would constitute a reliable safeguard for the security of the State of Eritrea.
To rehabilitate the devastated countryside, grow the population of Eritrea depleted by mass irregular migration, safeguard national security, the democratic government to be established must have conscious and civilised leadership guided by a Constitution. Eritrea needs first and foremost, and deserves to have, a caring leader who responds to the burning questions facing the Eritrean people, solves their problems and develops Eritrea, not a callous one who in whose recurrent interviews harangues irrelevant monologues on ‘regional and global’ issues and ‘problems’ of other countries that should not concern him.
The state should institute an educational system capable of building competent human capital and expand medical services that ensure the health of citizens. It must draw up a clear development strategy and establish competent institutional structures to achieve the development objectives. Furthermore, it must nurture unity in diversity; apply meritocracy in all aspects of public administration and civil service; and put in place a mechanism that stimulates economic growth, enhances the people’s standard of living and ensures an efficient provision of basic needs and essential social services.
Once again, I wish the Eritrean people a happy New year.
Long Live an Independent Sovereign State of Eritrea!
Eternal Glory to Our Heroic Martyrs!