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[TG, AR, EN] ወግዓዊ መግለጺ ሲምፖዝዩም ኤርትራ ስሲምፖዝዩም 2021

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ብራሰልስ፡ በልጁም

29 ነሓሰ 2021

ወግዓዊ መግለጺ ሲምፖዝዩም ኤርትራ ስሲምፖዝዩም 2021


ኤርትራ ሲምፖዝዩም 2021 ኣብ ብራሰልስ፡ በልጁም፡ ኣብ 27–29 ነሓሰ 2021፡ ብሓልዮት ኤሪ-ፕላትፎርም ተሰላሲሉ፣ በዚ ዚስዕብ ወግዓዊ መግለጺ ደምዲሙ።

ሓፈሻዊ መግለጺ

እቲ ኣብ ትሕቲ መድቈስቲ ናይ ሓደ ኣረሜናዊ ውልቀ-መልኺ ንነዊሕ እዋን ብሕሰም ኪሳቐ ዚጸንሐ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሎሚ ኣብ ቃራና መንገዲ ይርከብ።

እቲ መወዳእታ ናይቲ ሓሳድ ስርዓትን ብልሽታዊ ኣገባብ ምሕደርኡን ኣብ ደረት ትርኢት ቀሪቡ፤ እቲ ኪስዕብ ዚግባእ ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግር ኪትግበር ዚከኣል ምዃኑ ድማ እናበርሀ መጺኡ። ይዅን’ምበር፡ ከምዚ ዓይነት ለውጢ መታን ኪመጽእ፡ ነቶም ደረኽቲ ለውጥን ሰብ ብርክን ከም ውጥን ዘገልግል ብግቡእ ዚተዋደደ ምድላው ኪግበር ኣገዳሲ ኢዩ። 

ከም ኣገዳሲ ክፍለ-ኣካል ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ መጠን፡ ኤርትራውያን ተነጣጠፍቲ ኣብ ዳያስፖራ ኣብቶም ለውጥን ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግርን ንምምጻእ ዚካየዱ መስርሓት ኣቀላጣፍን ደጋፍን ተራ ኪጻወቱ ይኽእሉ ኢዮም። ለውጢ ኣብ ኤርትራ ውሽጣዊ ኤርትራዊ ጕዳይ፣ መጻኢ ዕድል ኤርትራ ድማ ኣብ ኢድ ናይ ዚዀነ ባዕዳዊ ሓይሊ ዘይኰነስ፡ ኣብ ኢድ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ብምእማን፡ ርጉእ ሰላማዊ ስግግር ናብ ቅዋማዊ መንግስትን ደሞክራስያዊ ምሕደራን ኣብ ምምጻእ ከነበርክት ንኽእል።

ኣድማዒ ስራሕ ንምስልሳል ምስ እንበቅዕ፡ ሓባራዊ ጽምዶናን ተግባርናን ንተግባራዊ ዓቕሚ ህዝብና ኣብ ውሽጥን ኣብ ወጻእን ኣብ ምሕያል ኪሕግዝ ይኽእል። እቲ ዘገድስ ናትና ውልቃዊ ኰነ ሓባራዊ ጽምዶን ተግባርን ኢዩ።

እዚ ሲምፖዝዩም እዚ መቐጸልታ ናይቶም ኣቐዲሞም ኣብ ፍራንክፉርት፡ ጀርመን፡ ኣብ 2017-2019፡ ኣብ ዋሺንግቶን፡ ዲ.ሲ.፡ ድማ ኣብ 2020 ብሓልዮት ኤሪ-ፕላትፎርም ዚተኻየዱ ኣርባዕተ ሲምፖዝዩማት ኢዩ። ተሳተፍቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብ ፖለቲካዊ ውድባት፡ ማሕበራት በርጌሳዊ ሕብረተሰብን ተጣበቕቲ ጕጅለታት ሰብኣዊ መስላትን ዚዋስኡ ኤርትራውያን ተነጣጠፍቲ ኣብ ዳያስፖራ የጠቓልል።

ኤሪ-ፕላትፎርም (Eri-Platform AISBL) ኣብ ኣገደስቲ ንኤርትራን ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃን ዚጸልዉ ሃገራዊ: ዞባውን ኣህጕራውን ጕዳያትን ፍጻሜታትን መድረኽ ዘተ ዘጣጥሕ ኣህጕራዊ ዘይመኽሰባዊ ማሕበር ኢዩ።

ቴማን ኣርእስትን

እቲ ኣብ ትሕቲ ምሕያል ተግባራዊ ዓቕሚ ህዝቢ ኣብ ለውጥን ደምክራስያዊ ስግግርን ዚብል ቴማ ዚጋባአ ሲምፖዝዩም ኤርትራ 2021 ኣብ ሓሙሽተ ቴማታት ዘተኰረ ኢዩ፡ ማለት፦

  1. ገምጋም እዋናዊ ኵነታት ኤርትራን ዞባን።
  2. ቃልሲ ምእንቲ ፍትሕን ደሞክራስን ኣብ ዘመነ ሓሶትን ዘይሓቅነትን።
  3. ምሕያል ተግባራዊ ዓቕሚ ህዝቢ ኣብ ደሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ።
  4. እዋናዊ ብድሆታት ኤርትራዊ ተቓውሞ ኣብ ዳያስፖራ።
  5. ደሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ዘቃላጥፍ ጥርናፈ።

ነፍሲ ወከፍ ፓነል፡ ብሓደ ኣላዛብን ክልተ ብዛዕባ’ቲ ቴማ ዘቕርቡ መደርትን ዚተወደበ ኰይኑ፡ ደድሕሪኡ ናጻ ክፉት ዘተ ቀጺሉ።


ጽዑቕ ምይይጥን ክትዕን ድሕሪ ምክያድ፡ እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብዞም ዚስዕቡ ውጽኢታት ተሰማሚዑ፦

  1. እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም፡ ምስቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ዘሎ ደሞክራስያዊ ሓይልታት ምትእስሳራት ብምሕያል፡ ነቲ ንኤርትራዊ ልዑላውነት፡ ግዝኣታዊ ምሉእነትን ሃገራዊ ስኒትን ካብ ውሽጣውን ግዳማውን ስግኣታት ንምክልኻል ዚኣተዎ መብጽዓ ኣሐዲሱ።
  2. እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣድማዒ ፖለቲካዊ ምትሕግጋዝን ነዞም እዋናዊ ብድሆታት እዚኣቶም ንምምካት ዘኽእል ሃገራዊ መርበብ ዜናዊ መስርሒ ንምህናጽን ዚዓለመ ዚዓበየ ጥርናፈ ንምስላጥ ሓደ ሓይሊዕማም ንምቛም ተሰማሚዑ።
  3. እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ነታ ሰክረታርያት ናይ ኤርትራ ሲምፖዝዩም 2021 ነቶም ዚተለለዩ ዕማማት ንምክትታል፡ ንተሳተፍቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብ ጽምዶ ንምሓዝን ዚሰፍሐ ኣኼባ ናይ ተመሳሳሊ ኣረኣእያ ዘለዎም ኤርትራውያን ተነጣጠፍቲ ኣብ ዳያስፖራ ንምስንዳእን መዝነት ኣሐዲሱ።

ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ብኽብረትኩም ኣብ ተወከሱ።

Brussels, Belgium

29 August 2021


Eritrea Symposium 2021


Eritrea Symposium 2021, hosted by Eri-Platform in Brussels, Belgium, during 27-29 August 2021, concluded with the following communiqué.

Symposium Communique


Having suffered so much for so long under the repression of a brutal autocrat, and facing external challenges that threaten its sovereignty, territorial integrity and the harmony of its people, Eritrea today finds itself at a crossroads.

The end of the malevolent regime and its dysfunctional governance system is within sight and democratic transition is possible. However, for such change to flourish, it is important that a well thought out preparation takes place that will serve as a blueprint for change agents and all stakeholders.

As a significant component of Eritrean society, Diaspora activists can play a catalytic and supportive role in the processes of change and democratic transition.  Fully convinced that change in Eritrea is an internal Eritrean affair and that the destiny of Eritrea lies in the hands of the Eritrean people and nobody else, we can contribute to a stable transition to constitutional government and democratic governance.

If we get our act together, our collective engagement and action can help strengthen the agency of our people at home and abroad. What matters is our individual and/or collective engagement and action.

This symposium was a continuation of four previous symposia hosted by Eri-Platform in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2017 – 2019 and Washington, DC in 2020. Symposium participants include Eritrean activists in the Diaspora, engaged in the political organisations, civil society associations or human rights advocacy groups.

Eri-Platform AISBL is an international non-profit association that avails a forum for inclusive dialogue on important national, regional, and international issues and events affecting Eritrea and the Horn of Africa.

Theme and Topics

Under the theme of Strengthening the People’s Agency in Democratic Change,

The Eritrea Symposium 2021 focused on five thematic panels, namely:

  1. Assessing the Current Situation in Eritrea and the Region.
  2. Struggling for Justice and Democracy in the Age of Falsehood and Unreality.
  3. Strengthening the People’s Agency in Democratic Change.
  4. Current Challenges Facing the Eritrean Diaspora Opposition.
  5. Coalescing to Catalyse Democratic Change.

Each panel comprised a moderator and two panellists to address each theme, followed by open discussion.


After intensive deliberations and debates, the symposium agreed on the following outcomes:

  1. The symposium renewed its commitment to defend Eritrean sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national harmony from internal and external threats by fortifying relationships with democratic forces inside Eritrea.
  2. The symposium agreed to form a taskforce that will facilitate greater coalescence for effective political cooperation and the building of a national media network able to meet the current challenges.
  3. The symposium renewed the mandate of the Secretariat of Eritrea Symposium 2021 to follow-up on the identified tasks, keep symposium participants engaged and prepare for an expanded meeting of like-minded Eritrean activists in the Diaspora.

For more information, please visit