Radio ERENA (Radio Erythrée International) interviewed Ambassador Andebrhan W Giorgis on his book Eritrea at a Crossroads: A Narrative of Triumph Betrayal and Hope and the launch of
The book traces the history of Eritrea from pre-colonial times to post-independence, providing comprehensive coverage of important events as they unfolded, and locating them within their geopolitical context to facilitate a better understanding of the root causes and key drivers that culminated in the situation today, and the way forward towards democratic State reconstitution. The aim of is to avail a forum for open, inclusive dialogue on important national, regional and international issues and events affecting Eritrea and the Horn of Africa. Eritrea at a Crossroads serves as one of its main pillars by availing the basis for constructive dialogue, grounded on essential knowledge of the salient features of modern Eritrean history and a common understanding of the prevailing situation, to forge a shared vision of a democratic future for Eritrea.
The full interview with Radio ERENA (Radio
Erythrée International) is available here
starting from minutes 00:37:00.