Eritrea: Government Seizes and Closes Health Faclities Run by Catholic Church


1. ReliefWeb
3. BBC News

1. ReliefWeb
Eritrea - Complex crisis

All health facilities run by the Catholic Church in Eritrea have been seized by the government and closed. Government security officers removed staff, ordered patients to go home, and deployed soldiers to the centres.

The Catholic Church ran 22 health centres in the country, and their closure is likely to leave thousands of people without healthcare. Eight clinics in the Eritrean Eparchy of Keren alone serve an estimated 40,000 patients annually. The government also provides health services, but they are less accessible and of a lower standard.

It is likely that the government closed the health centres to retaliate against the Church for issuing a statement in April calling for reforms to stem emigration as well as a call from bishops for national reconciliation. Christians often face persecution in Eritrea, which has one of the worst records for human rights in the world.

(Original Source)


17/06: All health facilities run by the Catholic Church in Eritrea have been closed by the government. Staff have been removed, patients ordered to go home, and soldiers deployed to the centres. The Catholic Church ran 22 health centres in the country, and their closure is likely to leave thousands of people, mostly mothers and their children in rural areas, without healthcare. The government also provides health services, but they are less accessible and of a lower standard. It is likely that the government closed the health centres to retaliate against the Church for issuing a statement in April calling for reforms to stem emigration as well as a call from bishops for national reconciliation

(Original Source)


Eritrea's seizure of Roman Catholic Church properties criticised

Eritrea's Roman Catholic Church has condemned the government in the one-party state for seizing and shutting all its health centres last week.

In a letter to the ministry of health, the Church said patients were ordered to go home, and soldiers were deployed to the centres to guard them.

The seizure of the buildings could not happen in a country where the rule of law existed, the letter added.

The government has not yet commented on the Church's claims.

Many analysts believe the government has closed down the health centres to retaliate against the Church for issuing a statement in April calling for reforms to stem the tide of migration to Europe, BBC Tigrinya's Teklemariam Bekit reports.

The Church ran 22 health centres, and their closure is likely to leave thousands of people, mostly mothers and their children in rural areas, without healthcare, our correspondent says.

The government also provides health services, but critics say they are less accessible and of a lower standard, he adds.

In the publicly released letter, the Church said the government's action was reminiscent of the former Marxist regime which used brute force in 1982 to bar access to convents, schools and health facilities.

Eritrea was part of Ethiopia at the time. It became an independent state in 1993, and has been under President Isaias Afwerki's rule ever since.

His critics accuse him of leading a repressive state, but his supporters deny this.

Unrecognised religions

In its letter, the Church said the social services it provided to Eritreans could not be construed as an act of "opposing the government".

"The government can say it doesn't want the services of the Church, but asking for the property is not right," the letter added.

Roman Catholics make up about 4% of Eritrea's population.

The Church is only one of four religious groups allowed to operate in Eritrea, along with the Eritrean Orthodox, Evangelical Lutheran and Sunni Islam groups.

The government regards other religious groups as instruments of foreign governments.

In May, a UK-based rights group told the BBC that more than 30 Pentecostal Christians had been detained in Eritrea while they were praying in three different locations in the capital, Asmara.

"Security personnel continue to raid private homes where devotees of unrecognised religions meet for communal prayer. Repudiation of their religion is typically the price of release," campaign group Human Rights Watch said in a report released earlier this year.

(Original Source)