Demonstrations in Asmara / ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ኣስመራ


ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ኣስመራ

ትማሊ ሰሉስ 31 ጥቅምቲ 2017፡ ኣብ ኣስመራ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ከም ዚተኻየደ፡ ብማሕበራዊ ማዕከናት ዜና ብሰፊሑ ኪቃላሕ ቀንዩ።

እቲ መበገሲ ጠንቂ ናይቲ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ፣ እቲ ቅድሚ ክልተ ቅነ ኣቢሉ፡ በቲ ስርዓት ዚተፈጸመ ምዕጻው ናይታ ኣብ ኣኽርያ እትርከብ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣልድያእ ኣል እስላምያ ኢዩ። እቶም በቲ ምዕጻው ዚተቘጥዑ ወለድን ኣባላት ቦርድ ቤት ትምህርትን፡ ኣብ ቀጽሪ ናይታ ቤት ትምህርቲ ተኣኪቦም፡ ተቓውሞኦም ብትሪ ብምግላጽ፣ እታ ቤት ትምህርቲ ንኺትክፈትን ኣገልግሎታ ኪትቅጽልን ጠሊቦም። ይዅን’ምበር፡ እቲ መሰረታዊ መሰላት ዜጋታት ዘየኽብርን ዚዀነ ዓይነት ተቓውሞ ዘየፍቅድን ውልቀ-ምልካዊ ስርዓት፡ ሓይልታት ጸጥታ ልኢኹ፡ ንኣቦይ ሓጂ ሙሳ መሓመድኑር፡ ኣቦ መንበር ቦርድ ቤት ትምህርቲ ኣልድያእ ኣል እስላምያ፡ ከምኡ’ውን ቍጽሮም ብልክዕ ዘይተፈልጠ ካልኦት ሰባትን ኣብ ቀይዲ ከም ዘእተወ ተሓቢሩ።   

ኣብ ክሊ’ዚ ኵነት’ዚ፡ ተማሃሮ ናይታ ቤት ትምህርቲ፡ ንምዕጻው ናይታ ቤት ትምህርቲ ብምቅዋም፣ እታ ቤት ትምህርቶም ንኺትክፈትን፡ኣቦ መንበር ቦርድን እቶም ካልኦት እሱራትን ንኪፍትሑ ዚጠልብ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ብሰሉስ 31 ጥቅምቲ ኣካይዶም። እቲ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ብሓይሊ ፖሊስን ዕጡቓት ወተሃደራትን፡ ናይ ምፍርራሕ ተዅሲ ንሰማይ ብዚተሓወሶ ብበትሪ ምህራምን ምጕያይን፡ ተበታቲኑ። ኣብቲ ክስተት፡ ሓድሓደ ብበትሪ ተቐጥቒጦም ብኸቢድ ዚቘሰሉ ሰባት’ኳ እንተለዉ፣ ዚተቐትለ ወይ ዚጠፍአ ሂወት ሰብ ከምዘየለ፣ ተሓቢሩ። ብድሕሪኡ፡ ኣብ ምሉእ ኣስመራ፡ ብፍላይ ኣብ ከባቢ ኣኽርያ፡ መንቀሳቐሲ ወረቐት ምሕታትን ሰብ ምግፋፍን ከም ዚሰዓበ ተገሊጹ። 

እቲ መንግስቲ እቲ ዚነበረ ኵነታት ኣቓልቦ ከም ዘይረክብ ንምግባር፡ ንጽባሒቱ ኣስመራ ብዅሉ ከባቢታት ተረጋጊኣ ከም እትዉዕልን እቶም ወተሃደራት ነናብ ቦታኦም ከምዚምለሱን’ኳ እንተገበረ፣ እቲ ዘጋጠመ ዕግርግር ኣብ ዓይንን እዝንን ኵሉ ህዝቢ ስለ ዝበጽሐ፣ መንግስቲ ንህዝቢ ንምርዓድን እቲ ዘጋጠመ ኵነታት ተዀኒኑ ከም ዚተርፍ ንምግባርን፣ ብ03 ነቲ ተግባር ዚዅንን ወረታት ብብዝሒ ኣብ ምንዛሕ ከም ዚርከብ ምንጭታት ይገልጹ። ይዅን’ምበር፡ እዚ ተባዕ ተቓውሞ’ዚ ብመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኪንኣድ፡ ኪተባባዕን ኪድገፍን እምበር ኪዅነን ዚግብኦ ኣይኰነን። 

ወዮ ድኣ ኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ ሓደ ሕገ-ኣልቦ ስርዓት እትመሓደር ሃገር ኰይና’ምበር፣ መንግስቲ ፖለቲካን ሃይማኖትን ኪሓዋውስ፣ ኣብ ሃይማኖታዊ ጕዳያት ጣልቃ ኪኣቱ፣ ፍጹም ኣይግባእን። ንሓንቲ ንነዊሕ ዓመታት ኣገልግሎት ኪትህብ ዚጸንሐት ብሕታዊት ቤት ትምህርቲ ብሓይሊ ኪዓጹ’ውን ኣይግባእን። ከም ሓፈሻዊ መትከል ግን፡ ሓደ ንሃገርን ህዝብን ዚሓሊ ይዅን ብግቡእ ዚሰርሕ መንግስቲ ምስ ዚህሉ፣ ዜግነታዊ መሰል ተማሃሮ ንምዕሩይ ትምህርቲ ንምርግጋጽ፣ ስርዓተ-ትምህርቲ ከመዓራሪ፡ ትሕዝቶ ካሪክሉም ኪሰርዕ፣ ዓቢ ሓላፍነት ከም ዘለዎ ኪስሓት የብሉን። በቲ ካልእ ወገን ድማ፡ ከምዚ ዚኣመሰለ ክስተታት ኣብ ዘጋጥመሉ እዋናት፣ ነቲ ዚዓበየ ዕላማ ሃገራዊ ቃልሲ ንደሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ከተዓንቕፍ ዚኽእል ዘየድሊ ረጽሚ ካብ ምስዋር ይዅን ዘይኰነ ሓበሬታ ካብ ምዝራእ ምጥንቃቐ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ ቁምነገር እመስለና።

Peaceful Demonstration in Asmara

The peaceful demonstration that took place in Asmara on Tuesday 31 October 2017 has widely reverberated on the social media.

The trigger for the peaceful demonstration was the closure by the government, about two weeks earlier, of the Al Diaa Islamic School located in Akhria. Incensed by the closure, the students’ parents and members of the school board convened at the school premises to express their firm opposition and demand the reopening of the school and resumption of its services. However, the dictatorial regime, which does not respect the basic rights of citizens or allow any kind of opposition, detained elder Haji Mussa Mohamednur, chairman of the school board, and an unspecified number of persons.   

Under the circumstances, the students held a peaceful demonstration on Tuesday 31 October to protest the closure of the school and demand its reopening as well as the release of the chairman of the school board and the other detainees. The peaceful demonstration was scuttled by the police and armed soldiers, who fired into the air to disperse the protesters and charged with batons, beating and chasing them. Even though some protesters sustained severe injuries from beatings, it was recounted that no one was killed; that there was no loss of life at all. Furthermore, it was stated that there followed checking up of mobility permit papers and roundups throughout Asmara and Akhria, in particular.

The following day, the government tried to divert attention from the incident by redeploying the soldiers to their quarters and stabilising the situation throughout Asmara. Since the confrontation had caught the eyes and ears of the people, however, sources indicate that the government is busy disseminating news, via its “03” rumour mill, that reproach the action with the aim of intimidating the people into condemning it. Nevertheless, this courageous protest deserves to be commended, encouraged and supported, rather than condemned, by the entire Eritrean people. 

Eritrea today is administered by a lawless regime. Otherwise, the State should, absolutely, not mix politics and religion or interfere in religious affairs. Nor should it forcefully close a private school that has been providing educational service for decades. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that, as a matter of general principle, a functional government that cares for the country and people has the great responsibility to oversee the system of learning and standardise the curriculum in order to ensure the national right of students to appropriate education. On the other hand, it is of paramount importance, whenever such events unfold, to desist from provoking unnecessary antagonism or disseminating false information that could undermine the primary objective of the national struggle for democratic change in our country.