2019 Ibrahim Governance Weekend - African Youth: Jobs or Migration?

2019 African Youth: Jobs or Migration?

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

The 2019 Forum discussions were dedicated to African migrations.

Migration, whether referring to economic migrants or refugees, is currently triggering emotional and political reactions, especially outside the continent, that often are fragmented or overlook the real dynamics. Hence the interest of an African-led, fact-based, frank and open discussion, de-linked from any partisan agenda.

Ahead of each Forum, the Foundation produces the Ibrahim Forum Report, which compiles the most relevant and recent data and insights on the selected topic. With facts and figures on migrations, youth, mobility and jobs in Africa, the Report provides an evidence-based picture on the reality on the continent and presents the African perspective on these topics.

For more information about the Ibrahim Governance Weekend 2019, click here.

(Amb. Andebrhan Welde Giorgis' intervention at 12:20)