[EN/TG/AR] ደምዳሚ መግለጺ ሲምፖዝዩም 2020 / Symposium Communiqué 2020

------ [English & Arabic Version below] ------
Washington D.C., USA
24 - 26 January 2020
ኤርትራ ሲምፖዝዩም 2020
ደምዳሚ መግለጺ

ሓፈሻዊ መግለጺ

ተነጣጠፍቲ ዳያስፖራ፡ ከም ሓደ ኣገዳሲ ኣካል ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ መጠን፡ ኣብ መስርሓት ለውጥን ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግርን ኣቀላጣፍን ደጋፍን ተራ ኪጻወቱ ይኽእሉ። ቀጻሊ ተሳትፎኦም ነቲ ምእንቲ ለውጢ ዚካየድ ጻዕሪ ኪምልእን ኣብታ ፍትውቲ ሃገሮም ርጉእ ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግር ኣብ ምምጻእ ኣወንታዊ ኣበርክቶ ኪገብርን ይኽእል።

እዚ ሲምፖዝዩም’ዚ መቐጸልታ ናይቲ ብሓልዮት ኤሪ-ፕላትፎርም ኣብ ፍራንክፉርት፡ ጀርመን፡ ኣብ 2018ን 2019 ዚተኻየደ ክልተ ሲምፖዝዩማት ኢዩ።

ኤሪ-ፕላትፎርም ሓደ መጋባእያ ናይ ኣብ ንኤርትራን ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃን ዚትንክፉ ወይ ዚጸልዉ ኣገደስቲ ሃገራዊ፡ ዞባዊ ኰነ ኣህጕራዊ ጕዳያትን ፍጻሜታትን ሓቛፊ ዝርርብ ዘሳልጥ ኣህጕራዊ ዘይመኽሰባዊ ማሕበር ኢዩ።

ተሳተፍቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ንኣብ ፖለቲካዊ ውድባት፡ በርጌሳዊ ማሕበራት ኰነ ጕጅለታት ተሓለቕቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ዚዋስኡ ኤርትራውያን ተነጣጠፍቲ ኣብ ዳያስፖራ ይጽንብር።


ቴማን ኣርእስትን

ኣብ ታሪኽ ደቂሰብ ለውጢ ቀዋሚ ተርእዮ ኢዩ። ኣብ ኤርትራ ለውጢ ግድነት ኪመጽእ ኢዩ።  መወዳእታ ናይቲ ዓመጸኛ ስርዓትን ሕማቕ ምሕደራን ይቐርብ ኣሎ። ንድለዮ ወይ ኣይንድለዮ፡ ንደግፎ ወይ ንቃወሞ ብዘየገድስ፣ ለውጢ ኪመጽእ ኢዩ። ውልቃዊ ኣመለኻኽታና ከም ተነጣጠፍቲ ይዅን ተዓዘብቲ ነቲ መስርሕ ብፍጹም ኣይክጸልዎን ኢዩ። እቲ ዘገድስ፡ ውልቃዊ ኰነ ሓባራዊ ጽምዶናን ተግባርናን ኢዩ፤ ማለት፡ ኣብ ጽምዶ ንእቶ ዶ ኣይንእቶ፧ ኣብ ጽምዶ ኣብ እንኣትወሉ ኸ እቲ ኣከያይዳናን ስራሕናን ነቲ መስርሕ ለውጢ ዘሳልጥ ዲዩ ወይስ ዘጐናድብ፧  እቲ ምርጫ ንነፍሲ ወከፍና ዚግደፍ ውሳኔ ኢዩ። ኰይኑ ግን፡ ኣብ ጽምዶ ምእታው፡ ኣብ መስርሕ ለውጥን ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግርን ሃገርና ሃናጺ ኣበርክቶ ንምግባር ክንቅረብ ንዓወት ቃልስና ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ ኢዩ። ኣብ መወዳእታ ትንታኔ፡ መጻኢ ዕድል ኤርትራ ኣብ ኢድ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ ከነረጋግጽ ኣሎና።   

እቲ ኣብ ትሕቲ “ብድሆታት ለውጥን ስግግርን ኣብ ኤርትራ” ዚብል ቴማ ዚተሰላሰለ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብዞም ዚስዕቡ ሸውዓተ ቀንዲ ኣርእስቲ ኣተኲሩ ዘትዩ።

1.     ቀንዲ ተዋሳእትን ሰብ ብርክን ኣብ ለውጥን ስግግርን፣

2.     ምቅልጣፍ ውሽጣዊ ለውጢ፣

3.     ምቛም ቅዋማዊ መንግስቲ፣

4.     ህሉው ኵነታት - ኤርትራን ዞባዊ ጀኦፖለቲካን፣

5.     ሓድነት ኣብ ብዙሕነት ወይስ መንነታዊ ፖለቲካ፣

6.     ኣሰጋጋሪ ፍትሕን ሃገራዊ ዕርቅን፣

7.     ራእይ ኤርትራ 2030።


ጽዑቕ ክትዕን ምይይጥን ብምክያድ፡ እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብዞም ዚስዕቡ ውጽኢታት ተሰማሚዑ፡-

1.     እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ንመዝነት ናይታ ነቲ ኣቐዲሙ ዚተቐየሰ ዕማማት እትከታተል፡ ንተሳተፍቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ኣብ ስራሕ እተዋፍርን እተተኣሳስርን ቀላሲት ሽማግለ ኣሐዲሱ።

2.     እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ንሕትመት ናይ “ኤርትራ 2030” - መደብ ቅልጡፍ ምብርባር ቍጠባ ኤርትራ - ከሳልጥ ኢዩ።

3.     እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ንስራሕ ናይታ ብዛዕባ ቅዋምን ተርኡ ኣብ ደሞክራስያዊ ስግግርን ኣፍልጦ ኣብ ምዕባይ እተተኵር ቀዋሚት ሽማግለ፡ “ሓለውቲ ቅዋም ኤርትራ”፡ ኪቕጽል ተመባጺዑ።

4.      እቲ ሲምፖዝዩም ዝምድናታት ምስ ደሞክራስያዊ ሓይልታት ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ንምሕያልን ንምስፋሕን  መብጽዓኡ ኣሐዲሱ።

ንዝያዳ ሓበሬታ ኣብ www.eri-platform.org ተወከሱ።


Washington, D.C., USA
24 - 26 January 2020
Eritrea Symposium 2020


As a significant component of Eritrean society, Diaspora activists can play a catalytic and supportive role in the processes of change and democratic transition. Their continuous participation will complement the effort for change and make a positive contribution to a stable democratic transition in their beloved country.

This symposium was a continuation of two previous symposia hosted by Eri-Platform in Frankfurt, Germany, in 2018 and 2019.

Eri-Platform AISBL is an international non-profit association that avails a forum for inclusive dialogue on important national, regional and international issues and events affecting Eritrea and the Horn of Africa.

Symposium participants include, Eritrean activists in the Diaspora, engaged in the political organisations, civil society associations or human rights advocacy groups.


Theme and Topics

Change is a constant phenomenon in human history. Inevitably, change will come to Eritrea. The end of a malevolent regime and malgovernance is approaching. Change will happen regardless of whether we want it or not; whether we support it or oppose it. Our individual stance as activists or spectators is absolutely irrelevant to the process. What matters is our individual and/or collective engagement and action, whether we get engaged and whether what we do when we engage advances or retards the process of change. It is thus extremely crucial to engage and prepare for change and democratic transition. We must ascertain that, in the final analysis, the destiny of Eritrea lies in the hands of the Eritrean people.

Under the theme “Challenges of Change and Transition in Eritrea”, the symposium focused on seven main topics, namely:

1.     Principal Actors and Stakeholders in Change and Transition

2.     Catalysing Internal Change

3.     Establishing a Constitutional Government

4.     State of Play: Eritrea and Regional Geopolitics

5.     Unity in Diversity versus Identity Politics

6.     Transitional Justice and National Reconciliation

7.     Eritrea Vision 2030


After intensive debates and deliberations, the symposium agreed on the following outcomes:

1.     The symposium renewed the mandate of the Steering Committee which will follow-up on the identified tasks and keep symposium participants engaged and connected.

2.     The symposium will facilitate the publication of "Eritrea 2030" – a blueprint for the fast revival of the Eritrean economy.

3.     The symposium pledged to continue the work of the standing committee, “Eritrean Constitution Guardians” which focusses on raising awareness about the Constitution and its role in a democratic transition. 

4.     The symposium renewed its commitment to fortifying and expanding relationships with democratic forces inside Eritrea.

For more information please visit www.eri-platform.org.


Held on the 24 - 26 January 2020, the 'Eritrea Symposium 2020: Challenges of Change and Democratic Transition in Eritrea’ brought together representatives of political and civil society groups, as well as activist individuals from the global Eritrean Diaspora to participate in 7 engaging panels on:
   (1) Principal Actors and Stakeholders in Change and Transition (Link);
   (2) Catalysing Internal Change (Released: part 1 of 2);
   (3) Establishing a Constitutional Government (Coming soon);
   (4) State of Play: Eritrea and Regional Geopolitics (Coming soon);
   (5) Unity in Diversity versus Identity Politics (Coming soon);
   (6) Transitional Justice and National Reconciliation (Coming soon); and 
   (7) Eritrea Vision 2030 (Coming soon).

For a general perspective on the Symposium, please see the Keynote Address and Communiqué below.
– Eritrea Symposium 2020 - Keynote Address in English (Link)
– ሲምፖዝዩም ኤርትራ 2020 – መእተዊ መደረ (Link)
– ደምዳሚ መግለጺ ሲምፖዝዩም / Communiqué 2020 (Link)